Chrysolite Fellowship Center is a place to experience a personal growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to make Him known to the world one person at a time.

Welcome to the neighborhood!

At Chrysolite Fellowship Center, we would like to welcome you to the neighborhood. We’re so excited to have you here with us.

In the Bible, Chrysolite is a precious stone that God used to represent His precious people. As a church, we believe everyone is precious in God’s sight, and our desire is to live our lives according to the Word of God. This means having faith, being obedient, loving and respecting others, personal growth, and caring for the community in which we live.

You may be thinking, “How do I know this church is the right fit for me?” That is a great question. Chrysolite Fellowship Center may not know your heart’s desires and needs, but we can help introduce you to a God that does. The members of the church portray the genuine love of Christ-they listen to, pray for, and encourage the other members like a family. If you have never attended a church before, that’s ok! We encourage you to come as you are to receive the blessing of the Lord.

Who should consider Chrysolite Fellowship Center? Everyone! Chrysolite Fellowship Center is a church for all nations.

Contact or Visit Us

Contact Information

4701 Hamilton Avenue,
Baltimore, Maryland 21206

Phone: 240-416-9521

E-mail: Chrysolitemd@gmail.com

YouTube Channel: YouTube


Sundays Worship Service
10:00 AM – 12 Noon

Wednesdays Bible Study
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Every Tuesdays Prayer Line @ 7pm:  Please Dial  412-924-7160 Access Code: 587216” to “Prayer line Relationship with God

Drive Thru Food Pantry, First Saturday of Every Month @9am” to “Serving Others   

Caring for the community

If you would like partner with us in giving.

Contact Us for More Information!

Someone is here to serve you 24 hours a day! Give us a call or send us an email. We will be happy to pray with you or help you find Jesus and meet your need.

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